Diploma in Manicure and Pedicure Treatments

On this course, Vhari will teach up to 3 students how to prepare themselves, clients, and their workspace for carrying out manicures and pedicures. Students will learn how to consult with clients, recognise any contraindications, filing and buffing the nails, using skin and cuticle treatments, massaging the hand and lower arm, foot and lower leg using a suitable nail file, as well as upgrading to a luxury version of the treatment.

Students will carry out an observed manicure and pedicure as well as an open-book assessment. Students will be emailed a manual at least 1 week before the course and it is recommended that students spend around 2 hours reading this prior to the course.

Manicure & Pedicure - £180 includes kit of Manicure or Pedicure.